Helping with medication for Dementia
What a fantastic product! This is the predicament we were in, I have a resident with Dementia and she has swallowing difficulties and as a result she had been spitting out her medication. I had been back to the GP twice to ask for her medication to be provided in liquid form to be told that it was too expensive but he gave us permission to crush her medication. As you can imagine taking 5 tablets every morning as a crushed powder tasted horrible and she would spit it out just like the tablets. We had started to mix it with jam to make it more palatable but she was having none of it and we were concerned that she would be having 5 teaspoons of sugar every day!. Luckily a colleague and I went to the Care Show at the NEC and found Gloup on one of the stands, we tried it and it works!! After we ran out, we searched the internet and found that you stocked it and I ordered 5 tubes straight away. It’s great as we keep the tablets whole and the resident now receives her medication properly and is therefore a lot happier”
‘We are loving the new larger bottle with the dispensing pump. The staff have said that there is less wastage and easier to use as it can put it over each tablet a lot easier than the tubes’