My journey to Gloup
Meg Bell is a busy Mum of 2 young girls. She first came across Gloup through work and was given a sample of the product to try. She had never heard of the product before or anything similar either. But she had spent most of her life fearing taking tablets so thought it might be the perfect solution. Here’s her story.
Teenage Years
When I first moved from the elixir that is Calpol to having to take tablets for the first time as a teenager I hit upon a problem. I absolutely 100% couldn’t swallow them. My throat felt like it just closed up. I spent hours in tears trying to swallow painkillers for period pain or headaches. Every time I tried to swallow with water, the water went down and the tablet didn’t.
My Mum tried using a pencil to push the tablet down my throat (similar to the method she used to get our cat to take its medication) but it caused lots more tears and lots of angst. We tried splitting tablets up but the taste of them was disgusting. I avoided taking any tablets where I could, selecting the more expensive options of coated tablets not the round ones but where I had to take a course of prescribed medication I ran into problems.
The technique I developed over the years was to lock myself in the bathroom for peace and quiet, swallow lots of water and then place a tablet at the back of my mouth. I then tried to swallow it with more water – this could take up to 20 minutes to take 2 tablets and I would always shudder with the anguish of having to take them.
I now have 2 little girls and so getting the 20 minutes to be able to be locked in the bathroom to take any medication is not that easy! I also seem to require more in the way of pain killers (funny that!) and various medication so finding a solution was starting to become a requirement.
When I tried Gloup I really didn’t know what to expect. I was so pleasantly surprised. I tried the sugar free version without any tablets and it tasted amazing. I could see I would have to hide it from the kids as they would think it was like jelly in a tube and definitely love it. I also tried the forte version – which has a thicker texture and tastes almost like a cold custard. Both tasted delicious. I took home a tube of the Zero sugar free Gloup for when I next needed tablets to try it out.
Little did I know that the next day would be one of the days I really needed pain medication! I woke up in horrendous pain in my stomach and so reached for the Gloup and took 2 cold & flu tablets (the only pain medication we had in the house!). It was absolutely brilliant. No need to lock myself in the bathroom, no 20 minutes to take the tablets – both went straight down without a fight and the after taste of bitterness I usually get from tablets was replaced with a lovely taste from the Gloup.
I wasn’t looking for a solution to my pain in taking medication but I am so glad I found Gloup. I will use it with my kids when they are old enough to take tablets if we need it and will certainly be recommending it to everyone I know.
You can buy yours here: or through Amazon here: